Kent W. England writes...
An official news item of interest;
Network World WorldCom reveals upgrade plans for MAEs By Denise Pappalardo Network World Fusion 1/28/98
WorldCom, Inc. officially revealed its plans to build its first Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) based solely on ATM at ComNet '98. MAE-Central, WorldCom�s new Tier 1 MAE, today is under construction in Dallas. MAE-Central will be equipped with three Cisco Systems, Inc. StrataCom BPX ATM switches by the end of February with services expected to be available by the end of the quarter, said Dan Lasater, vice president of broadband applications at WorldCom.
How about your password to access this? Or were you quoting the entire article? Where will this MAE-Central be located? -- Phil Howard | end1it05@anywhere.net eat47me6@spam5mer.net stop1it2@no1place.org phil | suck8it1@dumb0ads.com w8x4y4z8@no75ads6.com blow8me0@no52ads2.net at | eat9this@noplace9.edu stop1it7@spammer8.net blow4me7@no4where.net milepost | no4way49@noplace1.edu no9spam3@spam6mer.org stop8434@spammer2.edu dot | end9it43@anyplace.com crash573@spammer6.com crash779@anyplace.com com | no5spam4@dumb8ads.edu no66ads7@s8p3a2m0.edu no89ads4@anyplace.edu