On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
Does anyone know what this group is really about and how it might actually impact real networks ?
Reminds me of something Fergie said at ISOI 5 just a couple of weeks ago: if only the records industry was interested in folks like Atrivo and RBN (as they would be doing warez). Oh wait! This seems more like a copyright (and similar) issues group, which wants to filter valid user content (illegal or not) rather than abusive content which damages the net's daily operations. Right. Gadi.
Regards Marshall
http://www.artsandlabs.com/ http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/09/entertainment-l.html
Behind the lobby are AT&T, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Viacom and the Songwriters Guild of America. Among other things, the lobby, calledArts+Labs, says "network operators must have the flexibility to manage and expand their networks to defend against net pollution and illegal file-trafficking which threatens to congest and delay the network for all consumers."