On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@massar.ch> wrote:
On 2014-06-17 22:36, Grzegorz Janoszka wrote:
On 2014-06-17 22:13, David Conrad wrote:
On Jun 17, 2014, at 12:55 PM, Grzegorz Janoszka <Grzegorz@Janoszka.pl> wrote:
There are still applications that break with subnet smaller than /64, so all VPS providers probably have to use /64 addressing.
Wouldn't that argue for /64s?
/64 netmask, but not /64 for a customer. There are application which break if provided with /80 or /120, but I am not aware of an application requesting /64 for itself.
Except for SLAAC that requires a /64 due to it using EUI-48 to make up the address, which "applications" are these, as those applications are broken by design.
An application (unless it is a protocol like SLAAC or something else similarly low-level) does not need to know about prefix sizes nor routing tables.
Thus, can you please identify these applications so that we can hammer on the developers of those applications and fix that problem?
I tried to configure my FreeBSD box at home to use a /120 subnet mask. It consistently crashed with a kernel panic. I eventually gave up and just configured it with a /64. Not really an application per se, but since the OS died, I couldn't actually tell if the applications were happy or not. :( Matt