In my environment I’ve been running Kea dhcp6 against Ciscos of varying platform (7600, ASR920, etc) and just them as a relay. In this case, the Cisco itself is installing a route as it snoops the relay action automatically. This was one of the harder things to wrap my head around before just slapping it in to see what happened and bam, routes. Router gets a WAN IP from the loopback via DHCPv6 as well, then gets PD assigned after.

interface Loopback10

vrf forwarding CGNAT

no ip address

ipv6 address 2001:DB8::1/64


interface VlanXXXX

vrf forwarding CGNAT

ip address 100.64.Y.Z

ip helper-address global 10.0.Y.Z

ip helper-address global 10.0.Y.Z

ip flow ingress

load-interval 30

ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local

ipv6 enable

ipv6 nd router-preference High

ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:DB8:0:A::BEEF source-address 2001:DB8:YZ01::1

ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:DB8:0:B::BEEF source-address 2001:DB8:YZ01::1

S   2001:DB8:YZ00:3F00::/56 [1/0]

     via FE80::4665:7FFF:FE14:EDC2, VlanXXXX


Chris Gross

Network Architect


From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Brandon Price
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 9:01 PM
To: nanog list <>
Subject: IPv6 Prefix Delegation to customers.


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Hey Nanog,


I am in the process of building out a FTTH proof of concept, and I would really like to offer each of my customers a /48 of IPv6.

I’ve been able to announce my /32 to my upstreams, dual-stack all of my internal infrastructure no-problem, build v6 recursive name servers, etc.

This was fairly straight-forward.


Where I am struggling is the Prefix Delegation part. How are most folks getting the PD subnets into their IGPs? In my environment I don’t run the DHCP server process on the router that is directly connected to the clients. I have seen documentation that cisco and juniper DHCPv6 processes are smart enough to insert that prefix into the routing table when they hand it out, but how is this handled in an environment with a central DHCP server? I do not currently run any PPPOE in my environment and I don’t use RADIUS for the subscriber management. I would really just like to stick to DHCP ideally.


If anyone has any pointers, I would appreciate it.


Brandon Price

Senior Network Engineer

City of Sherwood, Sherwood Broadband

Desk: 503.625.4258

Cell: 971.979.2182


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