Hello: On 8/4/06 9:01 AM, "chuck goolsbee" <chucklist@forest.net> wrote:
If anyone else lost power at Internap's Fisher Plaza facility in Seattle this afternoon and have any info related to exact duration or cause please hit me back off-list.
Isn't this like the 2nd or 3rd event at Fisher of late?
It's the second event at Fisher Plaza - the last one happened near the end of May.
Any answers Jonathan? Has Fisher owned up to the cause yet? I did not hear of any local grid issues (we're certainly NOT broiling up here like the rest of the country.)
The *rumor* I heard was some sort of bypass switch failure. Genset(s) running, but no juice being delivered... then the UPS' ran dry. Outage lasted 45-90-some minutes depending on where in the facility your gear was.
It was a breaker in the main bypass from city power to the generators. The breaker failed to close so the generators happily fed power to nowhere. Then, everyone's UPS failed and down we/they went. The outage lasted approximately 26 minutes. The kicker is, this was the same component that failed in the first outage. I'm not sure if there's been an official announcement, per se, but I think Fisher Communications will have to report to the FCC because all of their radio and TV was down for much longer than the outage. Regards, Mike