On 7/15/12, Keith Medcalf <kmedcalf@dessus.com> wrote:
Ifconfig does not work on Windows.
Who needs ifconfig with windows? any user who can open a cmd session can run IPCONFIG /ALL The same can be queried remotely using WMI Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=true
Are you saying that there are other operating systems brain-dead enough to just run any old arbitrary code from untrusted media?
That depends... what do you mean by untrusted media? Many OSes, even certain versions of Linux that support Firewire can be coerced into running arbitrary code, by plugging in a malicious firewire device, unless there is an IOMMU or other measures protecting against malicious memory access when a DMA is requested Various hardware devices, and drivers have vulnerabilities, even without 'autoplay'. And some *ix distros do support 'autoplay-like' functionality.
Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com) -- -JH