On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 05:35:45PM -0700, Scott Weeks wrote:
One day, hopefully, telecommuting really takes off [...]
It often strikes me as incredibly ironic that companies which *would not exist* were it not for the Internet are among the most resistant to the simple, obvious concept that telecommuting allows them to hire the best and brightest regardless of geography. Telecommuting should not be a rare exception: it should be the default. And "corporate headquarters" should be as small and inexpensive as possible, staffed (in person) only by a handful of people -- if even that. Asking net admins to do stupid, wasteful, expensive things like "commute 3 hours a day" and "live in areas with ridiculously inflated housing prices" is a good way to filter *out* the employees one would most like to have. ---rsk