On 6/11/2011 4:29 PM, Christopher Pilkington wrote:
On Jun 11, 2011, at 19:00, TR Shaw<tshaw@oitc.com> wrote:
I'm not sure where this thread is going but rural america and rural canada are rolling their own broadband connectivity in places. This is my eventual goal where I'm moving. (Oswego Co., NY).
I'm well aware that I'm moving outside of "broadband-land", and while I'm not happy about this, the pros of moving there outweighed this con.
Options seem to be limited to HughesNet and dial for the moment, but things may change if I put a tower on the property. HughesNet seems to relax it's bandwidth cap between 2am and 7am, which is helpful, but still a great shift from what I'm used to at the current residence (15/2).
No 3G cellphone service?
It would be great to get neighbors in on some sort of community solution, but it will take some time to feel out where they are on this.