2 - Are they pulling CIX peering? (Can that rtr get any more overloaded? :)
That is just an overloaded SMDS connection, not the router itself.
Last I heard, when the CIX moves locations, AGIS, MCI, UUNET, and Sprint will all be leaving the CIX.
For those who are not aware: --MCI stopped advertising their routes to the CIX router a few months ago. --Sprint is supposed to have stopped peering with CIX yesterday (I haven't verified this yet) --UUnet has indicated they will be leaving CIX These are my observations as a CIX member, not an official CIX statement. Sanjay. --------------------------------------------------------------- Web Professionals, Inc. 20370 Town Center Lane, Suite 245 +1 408-865-0899 Cupertino CA 95014 USA http://web.professionals.com ---------------------------------------------------------------