So you support limiting TLDs to make lawyer's lives easier? Now I've heard it all. ----- Original Message ----- From: "BrandonButterworth" <brandon@rd.bbc.co.uk> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 2:34 AM Subject: Re: ICANN - The Case for Replacing its Management
The bottom line is that expanding the name space with additional TLDs solves this problem. Then "Two (or more) companies don't *HAVE* to fight for identical flat space" - because they are each given unique space.
That was nice until someone decided that they're really trade marks and caused legal people to run around registering in each TLD (you have to collect them all or you're not defending your mark), after that new TLDs were just a license to print money. What a waste.