Also while we're on ip hijacking subject as I mentioned there is a new way it has been done where instead of reregistering domains, the actual email account is reused by somebody else and where whois at arin is for themost part left unchanged (making it difficult for arin to do anything). Because these cases are difficult to track the original owners and to proof hijacking or to notice that it happend, it would be nice to stop such activity in the first place. So I'd would really be good if somebody from earthlink contacts me and I can then tell them privately what names they need to "lock" as far as what their customers can request for additional emails. Same applies for other ISPs - if you who work for company that has in the past bought other large ISPs AND where you still allow new or existing customers to get new email accounts at the domains of those old companies (i.e. like earthlink is presumably doing with netcom.com), then let me know domains and I can tell you what not to allow your customers for emails. -- William Leibzon Elan Networks william@elan.net