And not to forget that Panix was the 1st victim ever of a SYN attack in Sept 1996: http://www.panix.com/press/synattack.html http://www.panix.com/press/synattack2.html
And due to coordinated action between members of the NANOG mailing list and the FIREWALLS mailing list, within 24 hours, there were patches made available for Linux and various BSD kernels that mitigated these attacks. This type of an event shows the real power of the NANOG mailing list to communicate in a crisis. If only we could extend this communication to other media (INOC-DBA) and to include representatives of more network operators. I hope that the NANOG reform discussion spends a good bit of its time on articulating a vision for the future of a membership-based NANOG organization, and not worry so much about past problems. --Michael Dillon