Hi NANOG, Maybe this topic is better suited for the complaint department of AT&T but I just want to confirm if it's just me or it's just AT&T... So I'm a new customer of AT&T's DIA network and I haven't been able to make a payment since day one. (And it has been several months.) Just wondering if a completely broken internal billing system is normal... I only have limited experience with Hurricane Electric and Equinix before. Wondering if Verizon or Comcast is also broken like AT&T. Here are the issues I had with their system: - Clicking random links around the portal will give you HTTP 400 errors, sometimes. - I'm unable to add payment methods even after following the payment tutorial exactly. The portal consistently gives HTTP 413 errors. - Live chat doesn't work at all. Clicking the button returns HTTP 404 in my debugging console. - Extremely slow for some tasks which may result in a HTTP 408. The system feels like a collection of HTTP error codes... How can it be so broken? Are other ISP's internal billing systems broken like this? Looking for anecdotes / experiences. Azayaka