At 05:02 PM 6/30/2005, you wrote:
Of course, if you're going to do this, you should also be doing at least SMTPAUTH and preferably TLSSMTP, but then again many clients are broken and don't support these technologies or don't support them correctly.
Or you support POP AUTH, which just works, is in widespread use (probably the most widespread of the methods of authenticating the submit port after allowing relaying by IP), and was implemented years ago when open relays were closed.
We support all of the above - including only authenticated submit port use. I don't really understand the religious discussion of which protocols should be supported and which should not be. Support them all and let your customers decide which ones work for them based on their particular circumstances at the time and the network they happen to be using. -Robert Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com | 888-TELLURIAN | 973-300-9211 "Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin