On Sat, 18 Feb 2012, Paul Graydon wrote:
Yes I'm serious, they were CCNP qualified, hired as a NOC engineer for an ISP & Hosting company. For the company the NOC team was the top tier of customer
The CCNP was a success from the point of view of the person. It got the person hired by an ISP & Hosting company to work in the top tier of customer support. Is it the fault of the CCNP that the hiring process at the ISP & Hosting company couldn't tell the difference? If anyone has suggestions for improving the network and information security education in the US, please send your suggestions to the folks at the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE). http://csrc.nist.gov/nice/ I've been trying to hire 5 federal civil servants (GS7 to GS13) to work on informations security architecture and program management at small and micro US government agencies. Its amazing how hard it is to find people that both understand the technology and can think beyond the manual. I understand the attraction of using certificates as a screening mechanism by HR departments. But that is why you have the job interview. -- P.S. I have a functional APC Back-UPS XS1500 (4+ year old batteries) if anyone in Northern Virginia wants to pick it up. Otherwise I have to pay the battery recycling/disposal fee.