In message <CACWOCC-t+wsL=rSfz-zXzXA+m-=RfRdG1eBMuyQ_DF3AurCYnQ@mail.gmail.com>, Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jun 2018 at 22:49, Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
As I always ask, retorically, in cases like this: Where are the grownups?
You could ask the same about the IXPs that facilitate the reach and impact of Bitcanal's BGP hijacks by allowing that network on their platform: https://bgp.he.net/AS197426#_ix
I can and I do ask that question. Indeed it would appear that at least one such IX was persuaded, via a Spamhaus escalation last year, to appropriately kick Mr. Silveira's ass to the curb: April, 2017: https://www.isptoday.nl/nieuws/de-cix-door-spamhaus-op-de-bon-geslingerd/ DE-CIX: "We are in direct contact with Spamhouse regarding this, in order to avoid such incidents in the future, and are counting on an open and direct dialog with our Spamhouse colleagues." But first things first. As I have stated, bgp.he.net shows that more than three fourths of Mr. Silveira's connectivity is coming to him via just the three companies I named, Cogent, GTT, and Level3. Without them, both the financial and political burden of supporting this crook would fall onto a motley collection of smaller and more easily influenced players... ones who might be more easily persuaded to cease and desist from their ongoing support of IP address space theft. But the first step is to make it clear to the various law abiding customers of Cogent, GTT, and Level3 that these three companies are acting irresponsibly in their continued peering with Mr. Silveira's various ASNs, and that this -does- negatively affect everyone, or at least everyone who has an email inbox, and/or anyone and everyone who still believes that the formal system of IP address allocation, as administered by the five RiRs, prevents chaos from breaking out across the entire Internet. Regards, rfg