https://www.dallasnews.com/business/energy/2021/02/16/electricity-retailer-g... The power market in Texas has utterly failed. Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE 6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC CEO ben@6by7.net "The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the world.” FCC License KJ6FJJ Sent from my iPhone via RFC1149.
On Feb 16, 2021, at 9:15 PM, Peter Beckman <beckman@angryox.com> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, Robert Jacobs wrote:
How about letting us Texans have more natural gas power plants or even let the gas be delivered to the plants we have so they can provide more power in an emergency. Did not help that 20% of our power is now wind which of course in an ice storm like we are having is shut off... Lots of issues and plenty of politics involved here..
Turns out that you Texans already get a majority of your power from Natural Gas.
So there's already a significant amount of power from natural gas already.
Things I learned about the most-of-Texas Grid today:
- Natural Gas plants provide MORE THAN HALF of their total electricity generation in 2019 (WOW!) - Texas has their own grid to avoid Federal regulation. - Texas does have some links to other grids but they don't trigger federal regulation for some reason. - Texas is the largest energy-producing and energy-consuming state in the nation. The industrial sector, including its refineries and petrochemical plants, accounts for half of the energy consumed in the state. - 5 Gigawatts of coal-fired capacity has retired since 2016, and supplies 20% of power currently. - Wind power provided about 17% of their usage - There are two nuclear plants in Texas, only providing 10% of power. - One of those nuclear plants are offline due to weather-related issues.
From the WashPost: "The Texas grid got crushed because its operators didn’t see the need to prepare for cold weather" https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/16/ercot-texas-electric-grid...
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