Hi Folks, I do an increasing amount of work with municipal electric utilities and local governments that are building community-wide MANS. The technology of choice is starting to be gigabit ethernet. I'm trying to pull together some benchmarks, or at least rules of thumb, for capacity planning - and I figure that large campus networks are a good place to start. So... to those of you who manage large campus or corporate networks, and particularly those of you running gigE as a campus backbone, do you have any rules of thumb regarding: - average/peak bandwidth per desktop - average/peak bandwidth per workgroup-level switch - how much bandwidth to provision between your campus network and your backbone POP(s) - etc. And... can you suggest any reference sources (books, web sites, email lists, etc.) that focus on design issues for very large campus networks? Thanks very much, Miles Fidelman ************************************************************************** The Center for Civic Networking PO Box 600618 Miles R. Fidelman, President & Newtonville, MA 02460-0006 Director, Municipal Telecommunications Strategies Program 617-558-3698 fax: 617-630-8946 mfidelman@civicnet.org http://civic.net/ccn.html Information Infrastructure: Public Spaces for the 21st Century Let's Start With: Internet Wall-Plugs Everywhere Say It Often, Say It Loud: "I Want My Internet!" **************************************************************************