Can we wrap the mail threads up
actually, i am still learning from some of them. i have a hypothesis to add nanog list volume is proportional to S + E where S is the amount of Slack time the active members have and E is the existence of a significant Event in the absence of a significant event, volume is directly driven by the amount of free time we have at the tube. as there is no event to discuss, we will discuss whatever is kinda interesting, often the same subjects. after all, this is a discussion forum, not a current news desk. if an operational event ocurrs, discussion of it quickly predominates over the S component. if we could watch this happening, we might even learn something interesting about information flow in our culture, as the wavefront of the E information causes posters attention to move. and, in the absence of an E, and S being diverted to to actual paid work, volume goes down. as pfs mentioned this eve, some time in the last months, the shortage of E and S was so severe that someone posted an "is the list working" test message. randy