On Sun, 2002-12-29 at 15:57, Jeff S Wheeler wrote:
Basil, Oops. Obviously, I posted this to the list by mistake.
But in any case, for those of you who are "relying upon" cogent pricing to make your business model work, it should be easy to figure out that at some point, you might start getting what you are paying for. If you only have one vendor that can sell you the product you need at the price you need to make your business work, you are putting all your eggs in one basket. Your investors and customers should be concerned. It's time for companies in this situation to stop complaining at cogent or AOL or the double-secret peering cabal, and start realizing that they need to make arrangements with other vendors in order to give themselves the flexibility to avoid problems such as this. Sorry for the accidental post :-) -- Jeff S Wheeler <jsw@five-elements.com>