Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 04:57:07PM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
I've come to the conclusion that if someone put a nice web2.0+ interface on creating and managing these objects it would be a lot easier.
Agreed, this is one of the projects I've been working on just haven't had the time to finish it. But please allow me to put in a shameless plug for IRR PowerTools, which many networks (including a couple tier 1s) use to do their IRR:
The highlights are:
* Automated retrieval of prefixes registered behind an IRR Object. * Automatic exclusion of bogon or other configured undesirable routes. * Tracking and long-term recording of prefix changes over time. * Automatic aggregation to optimize data and reduce unnecessary changes. * E-mail updates, letting users know that their change was processed. * E-mail alerts to the ISP, letting them know of new routing changes. * E-mail alerts to non-IRR using networks, with plain text changes. * Router config generation, for easy automated config deployment.
I'm also in the process of beta testing a new 2.0 version which will be significantly rewritten for easier more scalable use, have a lot fewer dependencies, integrate better with db backend systems to customer prefix-list management, and fully support IPv6. Oh and there might just be a web gui for managing and using it too, if I can find a decent web developer who will do it for free. :) I'm hoping to have this out in the next couple of months.
The longer a network develops without using or maintaining IRR data, the more difficult the transition becomes. A truly awesome capability would be to have some way to slurp in current configuration and output IRR objects that can then generate a functionally identical configuration. Even without that, I would happily settle for any improvements to irr tools, powertools or toolsets. I am sort of disappointed that there seemed to be far less then deserved support from those with a stake in this, the registries and vendors. Joe