28 Feb
28 Feb
2:18 a.m.
For the record Randy responded within minutes.
but i learned my lesson. it was not even a fellow isp / network operator, but an end customer of someone else. and on sunday. also, he did not need a verio engineer. he just wanted to confirm what his isp had already told him that our route filtering policies were, which have been public for a good while, see <http://info.us.bb.verio.net/routing.html>, i thought were pointed to by the nanog routing filter policy web page at <http://www.nanog.org/filter.html> but seem not to be, were discussed on this list and a panel at the recent nanog, ... i know we're doomed to repeat ourselves every six months, but three weeks seems a bit short. cluonphagy runs rampant, news at 11. randy