----- Original Message ----- From: "joe" <joej@rocknyou.com> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 1:31 PM Subject: Spam handling
Ok so I send an email to a friend at SBC. Here's the result.
<Blowin' in the wind type snip>
Nice, why bother advertising such a removal via email?
Surely you must be joking? A guide to how to be spammed. 1) Click on most spam emails to let them know your address is to be spammed. 2) Failing that in 1, click on a "remove me" so they know you are still around. ....you were just lucky it said it is a dead address if it actually IS dead but my bet is that it isn't and that you have received a "dead letter office" reply from an active account. I can do that here and I am not a spammer so why cant a spammer? Greg.