Hi Philip, On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Philip Smith wrote:
Quite often many service providers are de-aggregating without knowing it. They receive their /20 or whatever from the RIR, but they consider this to be 16 Class Cs - I'm not joking - and announce them as such to the Internet. I spend a lot of time getting these folks to announce aggregates, but it is hard work convincing people that this will even work. Even if the RIR recommends that they announce their address block, they still consider it as Class Cs - even Class Bs for some big allocations. :(
this is getting into what i was implying earlier.. you have wider experience than me - would you agree that most of the poor deaggregating is not intentional ie that they're announcing their '16 class Cs' or historically had 2 /21s and dont even realise they could fix it.. that applies to medium and large providers too reading this list - how often do they actually check what prefixes they are sourcing, from my recent work at a couple of european IXes i had a number of folks email me offlist as they hadnt realised til I sent out an email they had deaggregation and once it was pointed out they just fixed it. so to repeat my earlier suggestion - if transit providers, particularly the larger ones setup scripts to notify their customers daily/weeks of routing deaggregation do you think we might gain some traction in educating and fixing this? Steve