30 Jul
30 Jul
1:57 a.m.
In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.970729213405.4111A-100000@luna.moonstar.com>, you wrote:
Simply stating that there's a better way without Sending Code is a copout.
I realize I'm dragging this on, and I apologize, but: It's totally valid to report a problem that affects the operations community without providing a fix. Knowledge of the fact that a problem exists is valuable, even without a cookbook resolution. In this case, a few people (some not on this list) would like the operations community to realize that there are, in fact, some very doable attacks that remain unaddressed by BIND 8.1.1. -- ---------------- Thomas Ptacek at EnterAct, L.L.C., Chicago, IL [tqbf@enteract.com] ---------------- exit(main(kfp->kargc, argv, environ));