1 Mar
1 Mar
2:25 p.m.
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 09:18:19AM -0500, Nils Ketelsen wrote:
2. Port 587 Mailservers only make sense, when other Providers block port 25. My point is: If my ISP blocks any outgoing port, he is no longer an ISP I will buy service from. Therefore I do not need a 587-Mailserver, as I do not use any ISP with Port 25-Blocking for connecting my sites or users.
Here in Belgium, the two biggest end-user (broadband) ISPs block tcp/25. Are you going to tell your users: "sorry, you should have taken another another access isp, take one of the very few ones left that don't block"? Kind Regards, Frank Louwers -- Openminds bvba www.openminds.be Tweebruggenstraat 16 - 9000 Gent - Belgium