On 6/27/2013 3:43 PM, Måns Nilsson wrote:
Subject: Re: SixXS Contact Date: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:47:51AM -0400 Quoting Anthony Williams (alby.williams@verizon.com):
Can I piggy back on that inquiry and request a reset of my ISK points after committing a faux pas with respect to going negative from down v6 tunnels and deleting. Now to create a new tunnel I need positive ISK points and I'm stilling at -10 with no way to boost my numbers. :(
Reset Points: AWJ11-SIXXS Oh Pretty please w/sugar on top. :)
Personally, even though I'm on the same IRC channel as one of the admins and could have all support I want, I went with HE. Zero trouble. Excellent service. I'm peering with them at work, as does my colo provider, så have great connectivity.
And, in v6, renumbering is easy (RIGHT? ;) so swapping providers is no pain.
Now, Owen, where's my T-shirt? ;-)
Yes it's a private service, yes it's run by volunteers, BUT SIXXS is publicly putting themselves forward as ambassadors for IPv6. "The main target is to create a common portal to help company engineers find their way with IPv6 networks deploying IPv6 to their customers <http://www.sixxs.net/faq/sixxs/?faq=enduser> in a rapid and controllable fashion." (Sixxs website) and "For whom? For everybody. The average joe and jane can use AICCU so that they can use IPv6 very quick and easy." (SIXXS website "about us"). I'm neither Joe nor Jane, nor am I Tom, Dick, or Harry, and quite frankly SIXXS has been abrasive and abusive in my attempt to use their service. Their stewardship of IPv6 is quite frankly horrible. When people on NANOG are complaining about lack of response, SIXXS responds with silence or "we're a volunteer group". I was told to go screw myself because I'd had a work account years ago and tried to set up a personal one not even realizing the work account was still active (totally allowed by their TOS), my account was still canceled, and three weeks later Jeroen essentially told me I could go screw myself. I'm the community manager at Zenoss and I'd get fired for treating my users like that. I think it's _LONG_ past time we started asking "how severely has SIXXS's negative behavior slowed the adoption of IPv6?", and "is this behavior acceptable?" For me, their service is long past worse than no service at all. Andrew