At 5:04 PM -0400 9/16/97, Tim Gibson wrote:
If I may be so bold here Michael, the TTL of steel is significantly less than so many other datagrams, many due to R.educed U.seable S.urface T.ransparancy.
We think that we have the R.U.S.T problem licked by using stainless steel BBs and by using a petroleum based liquid transport medium. We need the mass of steel in the datagrams to protect against backhoe fade. After a few backhoe operators get torn to shreds by a stream of IP packets from cut transport pipes, those big yellow machines will show a little more respect and watch where they stick their big yellow buckets. Another person pointed out potential problems with rotation of datagrams in the transport medium but that's the reason why datagrams will be holographically engraved so that precise positioning won't be needed to read the datagrams. In order to minimize out of order datagrams the liquid transport medium will be rotating in a vortex due to rifling on the walls of the transport tubes. This vortex system of transport in conjunction with large radius curves, i.e. no sharp turns, in the transport tubes, will ensure that most datagrams arrive in sequence. We are currently under negotiations with MERIT for funding to advance this project and in order to facilitate these negotiations we have decided to rename this system SRH (Spherical Rotational Holography). We expect that within 3 years, 25% of Internet traffic will be carried by the use of SRH technology and our numbers show that starting in mid-1999 the fiber-optic market will have been consolidated to only three companies as they desperately attempt to survive the SRH onslaught. If you know the history of Wiltel's network you may be interested in the fact that a major Texas company is interested in using our network to transport gasoline by having us use it as the liquid transport medium. Our chief engineer rather likes the idea since it would augment our backhoe protection technology into a combined flamethrower and machine gun. One of the country's largest Internet backbone providers has also expressed interest in using the LTM to fuel generators in their colo facilities. All in all, I'd say things are looking up for SRH technology. We expect to change the face of the Internet and of the country itself in just a few years from now. ******************************************************** Michael Dillon voice: +1-650-482-2840 Senior Systems Architect fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "The People You Know. The People You Trust." ********************************************************