On Fri, 29 Jun 2007, [ISO-8859-1] Nicol�s Antoniello wrote:
To use AS path prepend when you advertise just one prefix does not solve the problem...in this case it actually make it worth, 'cos you may find all your trafic coming from only one of your uplinks.
Despite being a v6 skeptic, I'm not sure I understand what the issue is here. Lots of networks multihome with only single v4 prefixes. In general, different upsteram providers are close to different portions of the Internet, so you end up with some traffic coming on each connection. If there's a serious imbalance, it's usually somewhat adjustable with AS path prepending, and if that doesn't work it probably means you should have a more diverse set of upstream providers. No, you don't get as much granularity as you do when adjusting outbound traffic flows, or as much as you'd get by manipulating lots of little announcements, but it's often close enough.