On 02/01/16 15:35, Tomas Podermanski wrote:
according to Google's statistics (https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html) on 31st December 2015 the IPv6 penetration reached 10% for the very first time. Just a little reminder. On 20th Nov 2012 the number was 1%. In December we also celebrated the 20th anniversary of IPv6 standardization - RFC 1883.
I'm wondering when we reach another significant milestone - 50% :-)
Given the recent doubling growth, and assuming this trend is following a logistic function, then, rounding the numbers a bit for neatness, I get: Jan 2016: 10% Jan 2017: 20% Jan 2018: 33% Jan 2019: 50% Jan 2020: 67% Jan 2021: 80% Jan 2022: 90% with IPv4 traffic then halving year by year from then on, and IPv4 switch-off (ie. traffic < 1%) around 2027. Neil