On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Gordon Ewasiuk wrote:
On Yesterday, Roeland Meyer wrote:
Not only do we have SirCam and CodeRed, but just tday I started getting a bunch of [what looks like spam] email virii. They're all hitting my filters, but I thought y'all might have noticed similar things. This is two weeks
This just crept into my mailbox...
Received: from dave-pc ([IP Address in Germany]) Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 02:32:07 -0400 (EDT)
[ Part 1, Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "CNJOIMCN.EXE") 28KB. ] [ Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file. ]
Except for date/time and received from, no other headers.
Perhaps this is actually coming from one source, then: Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: james@pil.net Received: (qmail 21095 invoked from network); 10 Aug 2001 06:03:14 -0000 Received: from host-979.i-dial.de (HELO dave-pc) ( by richard2.pil.net with SMTP; 10 Aug 2001 06:03:14 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--VE16Z8L6JO5" [ Part 1, Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "CNJOIMCN.EXE") 28KB. ] [ Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file. ] James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================