Not Ip's but domain names etc I block. You can perhaps generate some from this? http://www.unixgirl.com/blockeddomains.html Nicole On 19-May-04 the GW commando coersion squad reported Bob Martin said :
Does anyone know of a list of dynamic IP's by ISP? I'm looking for something akin to this list from AOL http://postmaster.info.aol.com/info/servers.html
Bob Martin
-- |\ __ /| (`\ | o_o |__ ) ) // \\ - nmh@daemontech.com - Powered by FreeBSD - ------------------------------------------------------ "The term "daemons" is a Judeo-Christian pejorative. Such processes will now be known as "spiritual guides" -Politicaly Correct UNIX Page http://www.nonsenseband.com *** Spam Sucks and I get tons of it. So I have some tight spam filters. If any email to me bounces, please use your secret decoder ring and please send to blabgoo at yahoo dot com :)