Well - we paid for stuff like shipping (gear), power strips, gaffer tape, video tapes, a rental truck, volunteer munchies, and a lot of misc. Verio picked up a big chunk of our costs (Thanks Randy!) - If you've got gear, local loop, & transit you might be able to do a meeting for under $3,500. (modulo a blues band - which SHOULD be a requirement) Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services Computing Center University of Oregon llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774 Cell: (541) 912-7998 5419127998@mobile.att.net On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Joe Abley wrote:
On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 08:23:19AM -0800, Lucy E. Lynch wrote:
Our big costs were US West curcuits into the hotel (6xT1 - we could have gotten away with 4xT1) and cable - we had lenghts cut to fit the table layout in the ballroom. We had switches & such on hand, and we "borrowed" terminal room machines from one of the student labs -
If these costs were negligible, how much would it have cost?
(assuming, for example, an 802.11b shot from a hotel to an already- connected nearby building, donated transit, doing wireless-only in the conference and having some friendly vendor loan the machines for the terminal room).