I am well aware how retarded this sounds to an average end-user, and for that I am glad I am not in a buisness where I need to explain it to them. But experience gained working for a party involved in a previus Cogent spat I am well aware of what the SLAs and service sold is. You can change provider, ask for compensation due to degraded service and what not, your service is still not defined as delivery to all of the Internet and nothing changes that fact.. But this discussion is going nowhere, and I dont really care about it either since a difference between what you buy and what you tought you bought is not really my problem.. :) ------------------------------ Anders Lindbäck anders.lindback@dnz.se On 2 nov 2008, at 17.10, Joe Greco wrote:
Nice interpretation of my statement..
A reasonable effort and a contractual guarantee are two different things, a reasonable effort could be defined as economicly feasable for instance.
"Economically feasible?"
If it isn't economically feasible, then repair your pricing model so that it becomes economically feasible.
In some locales, it is actually illegal to sell for below cost.
My point was that in Cogents case this is really a force majeure situation and in Sprints case unless you have a contract that defines an SLA with delivery to "the entire Internet" or something similar you do not really have case to break your contract or sue due to the de-peering as a breach of contract from Sprints side..
So each and every customer has to negotiate with the Internet Service Provider to guarantee access to "the entire Internet"? You can't just approach an "Internet Service Provider" and expect that they provide you with the capability to connect to the Internet?
When was the last time you went to a car dealership, bought a car, and they didn't include the gas tank, or tires, or seatbelts? "Oh, yeah, we've determined that it's economically more feasible to provide your car without a steering wheel. You can buy a different brand of car across the street if you happened to need a steering wheel."
Do you begin to understand how retarded this sort of thing sounds to the average consumer?
... JG -- Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http:// www.sol.net "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e- mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.