The Military has colour screening for obvious reasons but I am not sure if it's needed for Networking. My take is that I designed all to have a wide variance. IE: Red, Blue, Yellow and Black which helped lower issues. Not solve them but if you limit the use of Red to certain areas (ie: Yellow / Red on one patch panel) then it helps. Yes, I did have a team lead who was colour blind and that did help to lead me down that path. When he was on our internet facing patch panel which was Red/Yellow if he saw black he knew it was Red. Sincerely, Larry A. LaBas(CD) On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:46 AM, <telmnstr@757.org> wrote:
When doing Cat5 connectors, a friend couldn't tell the orange versus brown (or was it green.) He found that with a red LED flashlight he could then tell.
There are ways to work around things.