29 May
29 May
4:16 p.m.
On Tue, 29 May 2007 michael.dillon@bt.com wrote:
For core links it should IMHO be mostly possible to keep them IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack.
What's wrong with MPLS in the core and 6PE at the edge?
Right there you have two possible tactics that are worthy of being publicly discussed and compared.
stewart bamford gave a good presentation about this very thing 4 nanogs ago (or maybe 5)> There are some support issues to keep in mind of course.
Perhaps it was this one? http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0510/pdf/bamford.pdf
indeed, thanks!
Note that Level3 did choose to use 6PE for their deployment rather than dual-stacking.
I think he stated that initial deployment was 6pe, but they had planned to re-deploy native v6 at a later date.