If this was to be done, how about including the actual amplifier addresses used instead of just the network number. It would help to detect when the problem has been fixed. On Fri, 1 May 1998, Alex Bligh wrote:
Would it be possible to take the amplifier list and publish an abbreviated version sorted by origin AS (will need a BGP lookup).
So you see entries like:
AS22222:, .... AS22233:
That way anyone who cares about their network can look and see if their AS or any they transit is in there. I can certainly recognize the former and can remember many of the latter. I can't remember all my net blocks, nor the names of my customers, nor indeed my customer's customers. If I have smurf-reflector-nonresistant downstreams even by customer, I for one would help put pressure on these guys to clear it up especially as otherwise I'm going to get whinges about poor connectivity if they are on Karl's list.
The publicly available looking-glass code will get a Cisco to do a show ip b from perl.
-- Alex Bligh GX Networks (formerly Xara Networks)
Brandon Ross Network Engineering 404-815-0770 800-719-4664 Director, Network Engineering, MindSpring Ent., Inc. info@mindspring.com AOL Instant Messenger: Brandon NR ICQ: 2269442