I've searched the IANA and ICANN sites, and have found no justification for what appear to be ARIN allocations to foreign entities within 66.231.
Two serious UCE/hacking attempt offenders are as follows: GIGA-BLK-1 ECON-BLK-1
Why have these blocks apparently been allocated via ARIN?
Am I missing something?
Cheers, Brian
GIGA-BLK-1 is in Columbia which last time I checked was in South America.
From the ARIN website: "We at the American Registry for Internet Numbers manage the Internet numbering resources for North and South America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa. "
ECON-BLK-1 has a French address. I'm going to take a wild guess that it's for a network in Africa or the Caribbean that is administered by a French company. Mark