On 5 Dec 00, at 15:17, Kai Schlichting wrote:
STSN apparently uses a transparent proxy (which I have no problem with) that continually keeps a copy of what is accessed for a very long time (which I have a BIG problem with) - but it doesn't stop there: it's doing conditional re-GET's on those objects in the cache, keeping it up-to-date (and I will not allege that the STSN admins are "surfing the logs" so to speak, there is not evidence for that).
Well, I'm glad I didn't hit anything sensitive through that service, and basically only checked mail over SSH. One of the things I'm considering doing (but not got around to yet), is building myself a "friendly" Squid proxy on my office network. Then, whenever I'm on my travels, I open an SSH session to my office network, and tunnel all web traffic through the SSH session to my Squid. That's the best solution I can think of for this kind of stuff. Anyone else got any ideas? Mike -- Mike Hughes,London,UK http://www.smashing.net/ mike@smashing.net ICQ UIN:4871914 "Only one thing in life is certain: init is process No. 1" PGP Public Keys from http://www.smashing.net/pgpkeys.html