Current list price for 10G Xconnect at the major colo site in Israel is $5840/month. Discounts are available :-) Keep complaining about $350/mo costs. You have no idea how lucky you are.
So, you’re arguing that because the prices in Israel are 15*ridiculous, we should stop complaining about 1*ridiculous?
You have no idea how distorted your perspective is.
It's not necessarily distorted, it's just a different frame of reference. I can remember a conversation like this at a Joint Techs meeting many years back. Several of us were outgassing about how expensive it was to get 100mbps connections off our campuses, until the guy from the University of Hawaii told us how much he was paying per month for a *T1* to the mainland. :D -- -------------------------------------------- Bruce H. McIntosh Network Engineer II University of Florida Information Technology bhm@ufl.edu 352-273-1066