Thought this might of interest to some. Network Magazine (www.networkmagazine.com) is looking to profile four or five leading ISPs from around the globe. We are particularly interested in finding those smaller providers that might not get all the press exposure of the Tier-1s, but are really innovating in the networking technology being deployed, their service offerings, or even their internal business practices. These innovations will have a demonstrable impact on the customer through things like better performance, improved customer service, higher reliability, etc. etc. If your company wants to participate, drop me an email with a brief description of the innovation, its business impact. and the point person driving this change. I will look to meet with him/her between the 10 and the 27th (of September). The individual should be prepared to explain - The business problem that was faced - The choices available for solving this problem - Details on the particular choice that was taken - What challenges were faced in deploying this technology/application/process or procedure - How those challenges were solved All responses must be received by Wednesday of next week. All the best, David Greenfield International Technology Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETWORK MAGAZINE Incorporating Data Communication Magazine International Office #2 Chai Taib, Entrance A, Suite 6 Jerusalem, 95405, Israel v: +972-2-651-9742 e: dgreenfi@cmp.com http://www.cmp.com