2) "... an operator clearly looking to acquire *publicly routable* space without being clear that this suggestion wouldn't meet their needs. ": Since 240/4 has 256M addresses while 100.64/10 has only 4M, a current CG-NAT cluster can be expanded 64 fold once the 240/4 is used. Looking from another angle, an IAP will then be able to expand the subscriber set 64 fold with still the original one publicly routable IPv4 address. The OP asked for “Any idea please on the best way to buy IPv4 blocs and what is the price”. I would expect they want actual public IPv4 address blocks and not internal CGNAT space. While the idea of using 240/4 instead of 100.64/10 would certainly have some merit I don’t believe its in any way related to what this OP asked for. regards