Nothing like getting into the groove, then losing your connection, waiting for the modem to dial back up and then try to figure out what you were just doing!!! Again, it goes back to what I mentioned, it "could" work but how will that affect your overall productivity. Is over the air 3G or 4G not available? I'm assuming that modem is being used because broadband is not in the area....
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 14:02:30 -0400 From: ryanczak@gmail.com To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: VPN over slow Internet connections
On 04/21/2011 01:32 PM, Brandon Kim wrote:
I vote for Patrick's idea of allowing the end user to remote into a machine where the SQL resides.
This would eliminate a lot of potential issues....wish I had thought of that first!!! I third this idea. Using screen would be a good idea as well.
This reminds me a project I worked on last century were we had people direct dialing our facility over modems to use a custom DB front end presented using Citrix.
One of the big challenges was dropped calls. Persistence is your friend under these circumstances. At least the end users don't lose work.