On Sep 1, 2021, at 5:56 AM, Mark Tinka <mark@tinka.africa> wrote:
On 9/1/21 13:21, Tom Beecher wrote:
There are enough challenges with the internet in Africa to work through already. We shouldn't encourage more difficulties by endorsing strongarm tactics that prevent issues from being properly adjudicated in courts.
One would think...
There are many African-based and African-led organizations that would go toe-to-toe with AFRINIC over any number of legal disagreements. But there is not a single African-based and African-led organization that would ever cut off AFRINIC's supply just for their own benefit, or to prove a point. None.
I can't even say that it would impose less stress on us, Africans, if it was one of our own shooting ourselves in the foot in this way, because we do not have a culture of going against each other in the way that we are currently witnessing. It's not in our DNA.
That a non-African entity and its posse are stumping their feet on the African continent in this way, and making poor people even poorer, is as diseased as it is rotten.
As an American, holding legacy ARIN resources, there are times where I disagree with how they do things or how they’ve operated in the past…. However, I’d never be that daft to file a lawsuit against them with the obvious intention of trying to financially ruin/bankrupt them to get what I want, even if I was 100% within the legal right. I’d be internet enemy #1. I’d expect to be the target of nasty shit directed my way. I’d expect my netblocks to be globally black holed to all hell. I’d deserve every bit of it. People have long memories for things like this. I still harbor resentment towards NetSol over their hijacking of all non-existing domains to their site in the 2000s…