It can't be transfered. The netblock is allocated to who ARIN says it is. If they do decide to do recalls, just posting the block in this forum is enough to initiate a utilization check. Besides, why would someone pay for something they can get for free? Show need, and it is given. I'm sure someone would love a /16 to brag about, but good luck getting ARIN to alter who owns it.
I received this from the guy selling the /16: Hope this helps. We've received bids today up to $175K, and if you are interested expect to close when bidding reaches $250K. My phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. -------------------- For $175,000 , wouldn't it make more sense to spend $175k on routers, network connectivity, and other equipment to create an actual business for the purpose of justifying a /16 request? At least that way, ARIN can't arbitrarily decide to "steal" your $175k investment by repossessing unused IP space. I wonder if that $175k should be wired to a bank account in Nauru... <:-)