Actually, it was i who invented the internet. Back in 1973 it sort of sprang into my mind one day as i gazed at ripples on a pond and snacked on a bag of peyote buttons. But then the wind introduced a randomness into the ripples which was ugly and offended my sensibilities. I decided right then to drop the whole idea. In retrospect i'd have to say it was the right decision. Speaking of the internet and the way it operates, is anyone else seeing a large number of random hosts scanning through their address space using TCP on port 139? Bill On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Ehud Gavron wrote:
My apologies for this non-op note. I was hoping to tap the wisdom of the collective.
http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/ http://www.lk.cs.ucla.edu/LK/Inet/keys.html
Is there a person who invented the Internet, and is this person him?