On Sep 29, 2013, at 12:49 AM, Blake Dunlap <ikiris@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, I was lazy in most of the adaptation, but I think it serves a good starting point for market based suggestions to the route slot problem.
Your post advocates a
(X) technical ( ) legislative (X) market-based ( ) vigilante
approach to fighting spam^H^H^H^H route deaggregation. Your idea will not work. Here is why it won't work. ...
There's actually no new technology involved, and you're overlooking the fact that there already _is_ market operating when it comes to routing table slots - try asking your ISP if they'll accept and propagate more specifics and your answer is going based on imputed worth to them as a customer... you just have no visibility into their assessment of your value, nor any way to make the judgement yourself and pay accordingly. FYI, /John