On 07/15/2014 12:08 PM, Brett Glass wrote:
At 12:19 PM 7/15/2014, Barry Shein wrote:
There exists a low and high (practical) bandwidth range within which it simply doesn't make any difference to a given business model.
Very true. And there's another factor to consider.
Estimates of the maximum bandwidths of all the human senses, combined, range between the capacity of a T1 line (at the low end) and about 4 Mbps (at the high end). A human being simply is not wired to accept more input. (Yes, machines could digest more... which means that additional bandwidth to and from the home might be useful for the purpose of spying on us.) What does this imply about the FCC's proposal to redefine "broadband" as a symmetrical 10 Mbps?
Just off the top of my head .... More than one person in a location, and they are watching different shows. Watch a show, while downloading something else in the background. Downloading something, while uploading backups. etc. etc. This is a classic example of the oversubscription problem that I and others have described on numerous previous occasions, several of which have occurred since you joined the list. Your customers are using the service they are paying you to provide in a way that makes your life more difficult. You need to deal with that reality, not complain that it exists. Doug