On Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:54:24 -0500, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
I said Site-Scoped multicast (ffx5::)
And just how does one telnet/ssh/smb/http/whatever to another machine via MULTICAST? You don't. Locating the machine isn't the issue; having an address that can be trivially determined as "local" is. ULA would work, but you'd have to know to use that address instead of any global address.
I'm a home user. I run my own /48 ARIN assignment here. I use tunnels to routers in colo and only use Comcast et. al to provide transit for the tunnels themselves.
Right. So every "home user" (read: grandmother) should request their own PI space, that they'll then have to tunnel to a far more expensive COLO... PI space is useless to residential customers because no residential ISP will ever bother with the headache. (I never liked dealing with business customers here, and they were paying a lot more for the privilege, and presumably had a clue.)
My point is that home users by and large don't pay for any address space and there's not much to be gained from trying to charge them for it.
ISPs do it right now for IPv4; and it makes them real money. They're not going to want to give that up. You don't, and that's fine. But I can assure you the suits what to keep cashing those checks.