Christian Kuhtz wrote:
Perhaps it's time for this forum and others to seriously worry about IPv6 deployment, instead of finding yet another fix for the fix of a fix to further break a broken allocation model.
It seems to me that there's been a lot of discussion about IPv6, to the point that the authors of some operating systems[0] have claimed to actually have working code that implements it. However, I haven't seen much talk about actually deploying it[1]. [0] OK, one. I recall seeing somewhere that Linux's TCP/IP code supports it. [1] Truthfully, I don't spend my time with my nose buried in technical journals, and I don't keep up as much with the infrastructure side of things as I'd like to (and probably should), but I would think that this would be big news if it had actually happened. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Linux Instructor, PC/LAN Program, Natl. Institute of Technology, Akron, OH sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net - 888.480.4NET - 216.619.2NET